In the Yoga tradition of India and Tibet the third eye is actually a reference to one of the chakras in the human being. The chakras are centers of force, where the human being can accumulate and transmit energy from and to the universe. (for further details about the chakras look at: Agama Yoga school)
Ajna, (Sanskrit for 'command') is the Chakra which is situated in the middle of the forehead of the human being. It is a center of force which corresponds to the mental levels of man and which serves as the command center. By practicing on developing Ajna Chakra the human being can grow spiritually and develop in amazing ways.
Actually, Ajna chakra is much more than that. it is a door way to another universe, so to speak. When the human being starts practicing the esoteric yoga techniques and disciplines for the development of Ajna Chakra, he or she will dive into the realm of pure mental dimensions that the average person does not even suspect possible.

That's it for now, for more info. please check out the Agama Yoga courses in Thailand and around the world. Soon more will be posted and we'll dive deeper into the fascinating world of Ajna Chakra.
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